Thursday, June 21, 2007

On the Wagon: Day 31

I'll keep this one shorter than the last marathon. Thanks to everyone who commented and/or contacted me privately. I appreciate the backup, the conversation and the support.

Speaking of marathons...i've been running and instead of doing the PF Changs 1/2 Marathon in January, i'm thinking about doing the full. 26.2 miles...could be fun? My friend Kelli is training for a triathlon and has not only inspired me to get off of my ass and do more with my life, she has also offered to go on a run with me.

Also, thanks to Ben for pointing me to this site. I have taken a cue from him and now cannot go for a run without checking it out here first. Here's a few i've done recently:

This morning:

Last week:


Sometime in the Future:

So in addition to running and generally trying to keep myself busy here are some other thoughts...

Since i discussed it last week, the adrenaline of the whole situation has worn off. Like a bad breakup or something, i'm having a harder and harder time remembering why i quit and the good times are starting to become the only memories i have. I'm starting to listen to some of the people around me who say i can get away with one drink here and there, or that i could drink one night a week or on special occasions or only when i'm out with them (yes, someone has actually said this to me...). I'm staying strong and i haven't strayed but the weaknesses are appearing in the armour. I watch people drink on TV and in movies and it seems like such a good idea to them. I walk down the wine aisle in the grocery store and think about how nice it would be to have a glass of wine with dinner and just feel a little warm and fuzzy. I'm finding it harder to tell myself that its not a good idea. Like a long-lasting war, i'm having trouble remembering why i even started this fight in the first place. It's a weird phenomenon that i didn't see coming.

Fortunately, i've had some positive reinforcement. Business is booming and i actually feel like i'm contributing for a change. I made the largest sale in K&W Promotions history (albeit a brief history), we are a month away from our fashion show and things are beautifully hectic around the office. I am continuing to lose weight, look and feel better, work out and am getting to the point where, if i keep this up, i could imagine myself almost looking half-way decent around the pool by the end of the summer (sure it's a superficial thing to point out, but it's really the only tangible evidence and daily reminder i have...).

One of the best things i've noticed in this last month is my wallet. I'm not hemorrhaging money the way i used to. I'm not going to say a ton about this right now, but i'm going to look into my financial statements from the last 2 months and compare them...something tells me May is going to look a lot different than June. (Except for the surround sound i bought myself and the new 3-wood.)

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