Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Links of the Week

I don't know how recurring this can be but since i'm donating a majority of my time to Championship Vinyl, i thought it would be a cool piece to show i'm still thinking about politics and world issues. I'll have a very large post about Rise Up Inc. as soon as i possibly can, but here's this until then.

1. Check out Rise Up. They are my new mission in life and i'm so glad to be apart of that organization in whatever forms i can be. Write me at adammack.wright@gmail.com if you would like more info on how to get involved.

2. We all have to buy gas. So which stations should you be supporting and which one's should you avoid like the plague? Check it out here. (Thanks to Nole for finding this.)

3. What if everyone lived like you? Take this quiz to see just how big of a footprint you're leaving on this earth. It occurs to me after taking this that no matter how much i talk the talk, i am not even close to walking the walk. I'm not even crawling the walk at this point. I use 5.5 earths and that isn't cool. It's a problem, and i'm working on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam......I love that you love Rise Up. Aren't they awesome? What a great vision for effecting the lives of kids around the world. I love it! Hey man, thanks for your comment on my rant about rude people. So funny! I think being aware is the thing that makes the biggest difference. That is the main prob with our culture, we are just so unaware in so many arenas. Bro...join us for a beer on monday night soon. Looking forward to seeing you.