Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Some 9-11 Weirdness

I don't know why nobody else is picking up on this (well, probably because Britney and Anna Nicole are far, far more important.) but i've been following this story on InfoWars and it's pretty interesting. A BBC report and reporter claimed that World Trade Center 7 had collapsed and talked about how it happened and then they zoom in, and the building is still friggin standing there. It's more than just a little suspect, especially when it looks like she's reading off of an official statement. How did anyone make that statement unless they knew the building was about to fall (or be demolished). And with the chaos of that day, what PR person or Public Information Office had the time to make a statement before something even happened.

They've been talking a lot about building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsing and how EMTs, cops and firefighters are hinting at the fact that they were pulled away from the building instead of fighting the few fires that existed inside and that the building was completely empty and then demolished in a controlled implosion. While this wouldn't seal the deal on some of the theories that the entire thing was faked, it would add to and somewhat substantiate some of the suspicions.

If you haven't watched Loose Change, you probably should. If even 1% of this whole theory is true, then i'm concerned.

Update: Story about WTC 7 and just how strongly it was built.

1 comment:

Lewis Cash said...

So I heard a while back about a powerful documentary about 9/11 that a friend of mine (not a whack job) believed whole heartedly. I'm excited to finally watch it.

I'll let you know what I think in a couple days. Thanks for always finding good links to thought provoking stuff!